Reality check

Have you ever just been getting along with someone famously and as far as you know things will continue to be great? And all of a sudden, just like that, BAM! The other person says they can't do it, or they don't want to be friends anymore, or for whatever fucked up reason they're done. And just like that, poof - they're gone from your life. That's when the internal dialogue begins - what did I do wrong? Was it something I said? Something I didn't say? Something I didn't do? Something I could've or should've done? And the questions go on and on and on! And you don't get any closure. And it hurts!! Fuck it hurts!! At least with closure, it's easier to just let it go and be done with it. Without closure you're left wondering, analyzing, questioning every single detail of every conversation you EVER had with that person. It is my opinion that this is where/when I build a wall - or at least put a brick in my ever increasing wall. I leave a message to the person I just had this experience with, god damnit, this sucks!


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