I have always had very vivid and realistic dreams. Sometimes they're so real that when I think back to remember them I have to convince myself they were in fact, dreams and not memories. You might say to yourself, well that sounds awesome!! Which would be true if the dream was a good one.... not so much when they're nightmares or bad dreams. All of this being said, I had a weird one last night. ---- I was in some sort of very large tent - like a medic tent. Where the tent was located, I have no idea. I was sitting on a bed next to someone - a patient perhaps. As I scanned the room I could see it was decorated more like a house, but it was definitely a tent - maybe like the ones in the Harry Potter books. I could see my spouse across the room watching the TV - which looked black to me. Suddenly another man appeared in the tent, I knew him, but I didn't. It was more of I knew his presence and it was someone I cared about, a lot. This man sat down on the bed on the other side ...