
I have always had very vivid and realistic dreams. Sometimes they're so real that when I think back to remember them I have to convince myself they were in fact, dreams and not memories. You might say to yourself, well that sounds awesome!! Which would be true if the dream was a good one.... not so much when they're nightmares or bad dreams. All of this being said, I had a weird one last night. ---- I was in some sort of very large tent - like a medic tent. Where the tent was located, I have no idea. I was sitting on a bed next to someone - a patient perhaps. As I scanned the room I could see it was decorated more like a house, but it was definitely a tent - maybe like the ones in the Harry Potter books. I could see my spouse across the room watching the TV - which looked black to me. Suddenly another man appeared in the tent, I knew him, but I didn't. It was more of I knew his presence and it was someone I cared about, a lot. This man sat down on the bed on the other side of the person so he was looking at me.  He then stroked my cheek, and hair while clasping my hands. It was a very affectionate gesture. He pulled my hands to his mouth and kissed them gently. Making sure to kiss every finger individually. Suddenly, the person in between us on the bed vanished and it was just me and this man. Naturally, we scooted closer and really started kissing each other heavily. Quick as a flash the man stood up, glanced across the room gazing at my spouse, shifted his gaze to me momentarily and was gone. ----
That's it. Dreams are so strange. This one like so many before was so realistic. Even now, hours after waking, I'd have sworn I just had a make-out session in a weird tent with a man I don't know, but do.


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