QOTD & Thoughts

I still find each day too short for all the thoughts I want to think, all the walks I want to take, all the books I want to read and all the friends I want to see. ~ John Burroughs. ---
Today is the day before Valentine's Day. Valentine's Day 💗 is one of my favorite days as well as one I don't really like. Let me 'splain... It's my favorite because I just love, love!  Love is the greatest thing there is and ever will be. A day celebrating love is awesome! I wish every day was all about love. The world would be a better place by far. I mean think about it... if someone sent you a cutesy valentine or a sweet note every day, wouldn't you feel good? Just a "hi, I'm thinking about you and wanted you to know that." It would me for sure. I don't really like it because there isn't any authenticity to it. And if there is, it's hard to tell what's genuine and what's just "I'm doing this because I have to, or I'm doing this for you, not because I want to". And it's so commercialized! Just like all holidays now... Holidays in general, would mean so much more if people just remembered what it is we're actually celebrating. --- On a side note, today is Monday (YAY) and I for one had an amazing weekend!! Had the pleasure of going to 🍵coffee with a dear friend where we had a wonderful time! Also, ran into some old friends I haven't seen in almost 10 years! Hope all of you had an amazing weekend and have an amazing day! Until next time, I'm outta here!


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