
Went to see Star Wars, The Last Jedi a couple of times over the weekend... It was good. I liked it. There were a couple of parts that were just meh, but overall it was a good movie and I'll probably go another couple times at least. Got some 'hanging out with parents' time in which was nice. It's kind of challenging and sad hanging out with my dad. He has something called normal pressure hydrocephalus (NPH) and one of the symptoms is dementia... basically, he asks the same questions over and over again. It's definitely a test of patience. After they leave or I leave or whatever it looks like he calls me, to thank me. Then 5 min later, he calls again, to thank me. And then 5 min later, he calls again, to thank me.. you get the idea. It's really hard because he was such a strong powerful man. Seeing him 100% reliable on others...it makes my heart saddened. Just a bit.


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