
So one of my dreams last night was pretty cool. I was up at one of the resorts in my home state (Utah). I think it was Brighton, but it was different..you know how dreams are.. I was walking along the snow near the parking lot looking up at the lifts. Decked out in my snow gear and carrying my board. It was a beautiful day! The sun was out, the snow was perfect, people were wandering around, laughing and just enjoying the day. I was so at peace, it was just perfect. I looked ahead and saw kids throwing snowballs at each other and laughing, people sitting on benches tightening their boots. As I looked closer I began to study their faces, I saw they were friends or people I've known or been acquainted with over my life. Each one offering me a smile or a nod. Some were very good friends that would stop and tell me something that made me laugh, but still, I kept walking. I haven't felt that much at peace for a very long time. It is dreams like the one from last night that make me grateful that I have such vivid dreams.


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