
Showing posts from 2019

My 2019 book journey

Reading & QOTD

I don't know if you remember me saying I'd made a goal to read more. Well, I've officially met my goal! As of yesterday, I've read a total of 45 books this year!!! Can you even believe that??! I don't think I've ever read that many books in one year in my life! I'm so stoked! I just started my 46th one, and heard an incredible quote that I immediately Googled a meme for so I can remember it always. Please enjoy: The book I'm reading is called 'Unfuck Yourself' by Gary John Bishop. I really enjoy it so far.


Nothing special today, just wanted to share I quote I came across. It really resonated with me and I hope it does with you as well. Courage is nine-tenths context.  What is courageous in one setting can be foolhardy in another and even cowardly in a third.  ~Joseph Epstein


At the beginning of this year it dawned on me that I haven't/hadn't been reading as much as I used to and I didn't know why. I told myself, it was because 'I didn't have time'. Which I knew was a lie. A small insignificant and minor lie and only to myself, but still... I remembered how much I LOVE reading and was disappointed in myself. I decided then that I was going to read. I started out with a small goal. A goal I knew I could easily obtain. Read 6 books this year. Just 6. Then I'll be back in the habit of reading and could read more next year. I'm happy to say/report that as of today, I've read 30 books!! And updated my goal to 45! The time was there all along, I was just wasting it on other things. Pick up a book, read it, pick up another, read it, and repeat. :D


I recently acquired some tubes of lipsticks that used to be my grandmothers. Even though most of them are not colors that I would wear I find myself putting them on. When I do, I think of my grandmother giving me a kiss. What I wouldn't give for another kiss from her. 💕

Dreams, again...

Last night I had a pretty intense sexual dream... again... about a female co-worker/ friend... the same woman I had a sexual dream about not too long ago...we were sitting at a table chatting and enjoying each other's company. Completely innocent and such... both of our hands on the table, fingers slowly gravitating towards each other. Eventually our pinkies connected, just the slightest brushing of skin. Then a little more, as if our pinkies had a mind of their own fully wrapping around each other. We kept talking, holding pinkies for a while longer. Once again, and feeling outside myself, our fingers began drawing little circles in each other's hands. Next thing I know, her hands are on my cheeks, pulling my face to hers and she kisses me. Just a soft and light kiss. She starts to talk as if to apologize, I quickly stand up, and lean across the table and kiss 💋 her back. Opening my mouth ever so slightly blocking any possible way for her to continue with an apology. Quite t...