At the beginning of this year it dawned on me that I haven't/hadn't been reading as much as I used to and I didn't know why. I told myself, it was because 'I didn't have time'. Which I knew was a lie. A small insignificant and minor lie and only to myself, but still... I remembered how much I LOVE reading and was disappointed in myself. I decided then that I was going to read. I started out with a small goal. A goal I knew I could easily obtain. Read 6 books this year. Just 6. Then I'll be back in the habit of reading and could read more next year.
I'm happy to say/report that as of today, I've read 30 books!! And updated my goal to 45!
The time was there all along, I was just wasting it on other things.
Pick up a book, read it, pick up another, read it, and repeat. :D
I'm happy to say/report that as of today, I've read 30 books!! And updated my goal to 45!
The time was there all along, I was just wasting it on other things.
Pick up a book, read it, pick up another, read it, and repeat. :D

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