
It's me! Two days in a row?!? Don't get used to it ;). Baby steps, one day at a time. Not just regarding my blog, but for life in general. 

There is quite a bit of turmoil, hypocrisy, vengeful behaviors and just unkindness happening in my country right now and me being, well me... it's so challenging to deal with. It's so hard for me to be positive, and be a good example to others, and honestly to just keep my mouth shut because I don't want to say something to someone that I'll regret later. So, in addition to avoiding FB like the plague, I literally have to focus on not just one day at a time, but one moment at a time. And to think I thought 2020 was bad??!

But enough of that... I'm in a good mood right now! Tomorrow marks my 20 year anniversary at my current employer. How crazy is that??! So much of my life has occurred while working there. Got married, had kids, bought a couple of houses, a few pets, my oldest graduated high school, my husband has had a couple of different jobs until he settled where he is now, and the list just goes on and on. 

I leave you with one of my sunset photos. Enjoy!


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