I woke up in the best-est mood today!! First - Star Wars. YAHOO!!! I'm going to be seeing it in a few hours and I can hardly wait... OMG! Second - Recently (within the past couple of weeks) an old friend, like from high school called me and it's been so enjoyable catching up, and reminiscing, and all that jazz. Sending a special shout-out to them for doing that! I'm so happy we're becoming friends again! Third - And this is a little bit older news (1st of November-ish), I bought a new car! YAY! She's sooooo purrrrty! Right?? Lastly - I met a new friend and just think they are completely and totally amazing and I'm so glad we met! You so totally rock!
I recently acquired some tubes of lipsticks that used to be my grandmothers. Even though most of them are not colors that I would wear I find myself putting them on. When I do, I think of my grandmother giving me a kiss. What I wouldn't give for another kiss from her. 💕
I was just remembering that at one point in my life (back in my teenage years I'm sure) I had planned on writing a book. Not just any book either, it was going to be one of the NY Times bestsellers, of course. I remember getting a pretty good amount of pages written. Now I sit here contemplating whatever happened to those pages? The ones I worked so hard on.... but, more importantly, what happened to that dream? Why didn't I pursue it? Why haven't I even now? As I age, perhaps even approach that terrifying 'middle-aged generalization' I've decided there are some dreams that I WANT to pursue, even now. Because after all, and according to the X-Files, "Dreams are answers to questions we haven't yet figured out how to ask."
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