Reality check & QOTD

I feel like it's been forever since I blogged last so I have a few things to say. Over the past month, I've had some absolutely amazing and incredible experiences as well as a few completely heartbreaking ones. Because I'd like to leave you today with positive thoughts, I'll start with the heartbreaking experiences first. 1. I have (had) a friend, I'll call him A (yes, for my 1 follower, it is the same A) whom I haven't talked to for almost a year who called me out of the blue. I was totally ecstatic and overjoyed that they reached out to me after so long. Talking with A was fantastic, but I knew in my heart it was too good to be true. My intuition was correct (sadly) and that brief amount of time was all the time I had. That's the heartbreaking part. The positive part is that I was able to apologize profusely and let A know how I feel. 2. Now I must forewarn you, this next bit is extremely sad and horribly tragic so if you can't or don't want to handle it, just skip to the next portion of my blog or leave now. I have a teenage daughter, she is one of the lights of my life. I am a better person because of her. Recently one of the kids in her circle of friends ended his life. I took the opportunity to go to the funeral with my daughter as a show of support for her and her friends. I haven't cried so much in a long time. Seeing so many kids in such grief broke my heart. I can't imagine how his parents and family handle such loss. This brought up so many memories for me as well, thinking of friends I had lost to suicide when I was a teenager. Gently, compassionately, and lovingly I reminded my daughter of the beauty of life. I reminded her that there must be ugliness to show us beauty, there must be darkness in order to experience light. We all have our roles to play. Then I reminded her that she can grieve, and cry, and be sad but that she isn't allowed to unpack her bags and stay in that place of darkness for too long. The world needs her light. Her friends need her light. I need her light. She is an anchor and everyone needs her light. Now, onto amazing and incredible... Over the past few months, I've been able to chat, meet, and get closer to a dear friend and it has been amazing and incredible! I am so grateful that I've been graced with their friendship and am truly overjoyed every time we chat or meet or go for coffee. To my friend, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU! You're amazing AND incredible! The QOTD I selected today is: The language of friendship is not words but meanings. ~Henry David Thoreau


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